In Germany and around the globe, environmental technology and resource effi ciency have become pow-erful drivers of economic growth. Companies in this industry operate in a vibrant, dynamic market that is shaped by technological progress as well as by chang-ing political and social conditions. At the same time, innovative products, processes and services that are ef-fi cient and ecofriendly are attracting unprecedented demand on international markets. This third edition of GreenTech made in Germany adopts a slight shift of emphasis, placing the environ-mental technology industry more clearly in the con-text of the pivotal ecological, economic and political challenges of our day. It begins with the premise that the green tech industry and its various players are cen-tral to the transformation into a “green economy” that heeds and applies the principles of sustainability. At the same time, the atlas clearly shows that traditional industry sectors, too, have an integral part to play in this “greening” process: First, the fact that green tech has its roots in traditional engineering disciplines itself facilitates the development of environmental technologies. Second, these technologies in return drive modernization in traditional industries, espe-cially by improving their energy and material effi cien-cy – thereby giving companies a strategic advantage over international competitors.
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