Skills for green jobs
This report brings together the findings from six country reports. The study is based on research in Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Spain, France and the UK. Chapter 1 summarises the major challenges and priorities arising from climate change and the resultant greening policies and strategies, including those caused by stimulus packages adopted in response to the current economic crisis. The chapter identifies major sectors with greening potential and those particularly affected by green stimulus packages and programmes adopted in response to the crisis. It also examines whether skill response strategies are incorporated into larger ʻgreeningʼ policies and programmes. Chapter 2 summarises skills needs of new occupations, new skills for greening existing occupations and retraining needs in sectors undergoing structural change due to policy implementation and the introduction of greening technologies and practices. Chapter 3 summarises methods, tools, systems and institutional frameworks for anticipating and assessing skills used to ensure that skills supply meets, quantitatively and qualitatively, current and future labour-market demand for green-collar workers at national, sectoral, regional, company and training provider levels. Chapter 4 summarises the way skills responses are organised to provide an effective response to the challenge of greening the economy, paying particular attention to planning initial and continuing training, institutional frameworks, systemic provisions, delivery channels, ad hoc versus anticipated skills responses, and the skills response of different actors. Chapter 5 summarises skills policies and strategies, skills provision at national, sectoral, local or enterprise levels, and further research needed to meet the demands created by greening the economy. Annexes 1 to 6 are summaries of the country reports, individual stand-alone documents, containing detailed analyses including case studies on which the findings are based.
(CEDEFOP) Skills for green jobs.pdf
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