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Ekonomia eta Ekintzailetasun
Orlegiaren Ikaskuntza(eKoi)

Hemen zaude: Hasiera Dokumentuak Enplegu berdea The jobs potential of a shift towards a low-carbon economy

The jobs potential of a shift towards a low-carbon economy

It is now widely recognised that it is essential to decouple economic growth and social progress from unsustainable environmental pressures, such as those leading to global climate change. A successful transition towards a low-carbon and resource efficient economy will profoundly reshape the labour market in ways creating both new risks and new opportunities for workers. The challenge for labour market and skills policy is to maximise the benefits for workers and help assure a fair sharing of unavoidable adjustment costs, while also supporting broader green growth policies (e.g. by minimising skill bottlenecks). The aim of the report is to provide guidance for how best this can be done. Part I of the report provides an assessment of the main impacts of climate change mitigation and other policy measures to promote green growth on labour markets. This topic has been much studied in recent years but many questions remain unanswered and the intention here is to summarise what has already been learned and provide new insights. Part II of the report analyses how labour market and education/training policy can best contribute to an efficient and fair transition towards a low-carbon economy. A key focus in this part of the report is how measures specifically targeted on "greening" the labour market should be integrated into both the broader framework of labour marked and skills policies, and a whole-of-government strategy for promoting green growth.