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Ekonomia eta Ekintzailetasun
Orlegiaren Ikaskuntza(eKoi)

Hemen zaude: Hasiera Dokumentuak Azterlanak/Ikerkuntzak SMES, RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND GREEN MARKETS SUMMARY


The Commission promotes the growth of SMEs through the Small Business Act for Europe. This framework includes an initiative to raise SMEs’ awareness of environmental and energy-related issues and to assist them in implementing legislation, assessing their environmental and energy performance and upgrading their skills and qualifications. This report presents the results of the Flash Eurobarometer 342 survey ‘SMEs towards resource efficiency & green markets", carried out between the 24th of January and the 10th of February 2012. This survey has been requested by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. It is a business to business survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication ("Research and Speechwriting" Unit). This survey covers businesses employing 1 or more persons in the Manufacturing (Nace category C), Retail (Nace category G), Services (Nace categories I/J/K/H/L/M/) and Industry (Nace categories B/D/E/F) sectors within the European Union. This Flash Eurobarometer was carried out by TNS Political & Social. It was conducted in the 27 EU Member States and in Albania, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, the Republic of Serbia, Turkey, Israel and the United States where the same target group was interviewed. All interviews were carried using the TNS e-Call center (our centralized CATI system) except in Albania, Israel, Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia where the local infrastructures (call centers) were used. The sample was selected from an international business database, with some additional samples from local sources in countries where necessary.